List of Refereed Publications
V. Ahuja, D. Ghosal and M. Farrens,
"Minimizing the Data Transfer Time Using Multicore End-sSystem Aware Blow
, 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid
Computing (CCGrid),
Ottowa, Canada (May 13-16, 2012), pp. (to appear).
C. Nitta, M. Farrens and V. Akella,
"DCAF - A Directly Connected
Arbitration-Free Photonic Crossbar for Energy-Efficient High Performance
Computing", 26th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing
Symposium, Shanghai, China (May 21-25, 2012), pp. (to appear).
C. Nitta, M. Farrens and V. Akella,
"Resilient Microring Resonator
Based Photonic Networks", Proceedings of the 44th Annual IEEE/ACM
International Symposium on
Microarchitecture, Porto Alegre, Brazil (Dec 3-7, 2011), pp. 95-104.
C. Nitta, K. Macdonald, M. Farrens and V. Akella,
"Inferring packet
dependencies to improve trace based simulation of on-chip networks ",
Proceedings of the 5th Annual
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Networks on Chips,
Pittsburgh, PA (May 1-4, 2011), pp. 153-160.
C. Nitta, M. Farrens and V. Akella,
"Addressing System-Level Trimming
Issues in OnChip Nanophotonic Networks", Proceedings of the 17th
International IEEE
Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, San Antonio, TX
(Feb 12-16, 2011), pp. 122-131 .
P. V. Mejia, R. Amirtharajah, M. Farrens and V. Akella, "Performance
Evaluation of a Multicore System with Optically Connected Memory
Modules", Fourth ACM/IEEE
International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip ,
Grenoble, France (May 3-6, 2010), pp. 215-222 .
A. Hadke, T. Benavides, V. Akella, R. Amirtharajah and M. Farrens,
"Design and Evaluation of an Optical CPU-DRAM Interconnect",
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Design
(ICCD): Green Computing,
Lake Tahoe, CA (October 12-15, 2008), pp. 492-497.
C. Nitta and M. Farrens, "Techniques for Increasing Effective Data
Bandwidth", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Computer Design (ICCD): Green Computing,
Lake Tahoe, CA (October 12-15, 2008), pp. 492-497.
P. Congdon and M. Farrens, "Packet Prediction for Speculative C
ut-Through Switching", ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for
Networking and Communications Systems,
San Jose, CA (November 6-7, 2008), pp. 514-519.
- H. Lee, G. Tyson and M. Farrens, "Improving Bandwidth Utilization using
Eager Writeback", Journal of Instruction Level Parallelism, vol. 4
(to appear) (January 2002)
- M. Oskin, F. Chong, and M. Farrens, "Using Statistical and Symbolic
Simulation for Microprocessor Evaluation", Journal of Instruction Level
Parallelism, vol. 3 (to appear) (September 2001)
- H. Lee, G. Tyson and M. Farrens,
"Eager Writeback - a Technique for Improving Bandwidth Utilization", Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International
Symposium on Microarchitecture, Monterey, CA (December 10-13, 2000),
pp. 11-21
- K. Rich and M. Farrens,
The Decoupled-Style Prefetch Architecture",
Proceedings of the 6th International Euro-Par Conference, Munich,
Germany (August 28-September 1, 2000), pp. 989-993.
- K. Rich and M. Farrens,
"Code Partitioning in Decoupled Compilers",
Proceedings of the 6th International Euro-Par Conference, Munich,
Germany (August 28-September 1, 2000), pp. 1008-1017.
- M. Oskin, F. Chong and M. Farrens,
"HLS: Combining Statistical
and Symbolic Simulation to Guide Microprocessor Designs", Proceedings
of the 27th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture,
Vancouver, BC (June 12-14, 2000), pp. 71-82.
- P. Sallee, M. Haungs and M. Farrens,
"Branch Transistion Rate:
A New Metric for Improved Branch Classification Analysis", Proceedings
of the 6th International IEEE Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture
, Toulouse, France (January 10-12, 2000), pp. 241-250.
- M. Oskin, J. Hensley, D. Keen, F. Chong, M. Farrens and A. Chopra,
"Exploiting ILP in Page-based Intelligent Memory", Proceedings of the
32nd Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture, Haifa, Israel
(November 16-18, 1999), pp. 208-218.
- J. Rivers, E. Tam, G. Tyson, E. Davidson and M. Farrens,
Reuse Information in Data Cache Management", Proceedings of the
12th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing", Melbourne, Australia
(July 13-17, 1998), pp. 449-456.
- G. Tyson, M. Farrens, J. Matthews and A. Pleszkun, "Managing Data Caches
using Selective Cache Line Replacement", International Journal of Parallel
Processing, vol. 25, no. 3 (June 1997), pp. 213-242.
- G. Tyson and M. Farrens,
"Evaluating the Effects of Predicated Execution on Branch Prediction"
, International Journal of Parallel Processing, vol. 23, no. 1 (1996)
- G. Tyson, M. Farrens, J. Matthews, and A. Pleszkun,
"A Modified Approach to Data Cache Management" , Proceedings of the
28th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture Ann Arbor, MI
(Nov 29-Dec 1, 1995).
- M. Farrens, G. Tyson, and A. Pleszkun,
"A Study of Single-Chip Processor/Cache Organizations for Large Numbers of
Transistors" , Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Symposium
on Computer Architecture, Chicago, IL (April 18-21, 1994).
- G. Tyson, M. Farrens,
"Code Scheduling for Multiple Instruction Stream Architectures" ,
International Journal of Parallel Processing, vol. 22, no. 3 (1994)
- M. Farrens, P. Nico and P. Ng,
"A Comparison of Superscalar and Decoupled Access/Execute Architectures"
, Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture,
Austin, Texas (December 1-3, 1993)
- G. Tyson and M. Farrens,
"Techniques for Extracting Instruction Level Parallelism on MIMD Architectures"
, Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture,
Austin, Texas (December 1-3, 1993)
- G. Tyson, M. Farrens and A. Pleszkun,
"MISC: A Multiple Instruction Stream Computer" , Proceedings of the
25th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture, Portland, Oregon
(December 1-4, 1992)
- A. Park, M. Farrens and G. Tyson,
"Modifying VM Hardware to Reduce Address Pin Requirements" , Proceedings
of the 25th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture, Portland,
Oregon (December 1-4, 1992)
- M. Farrens, A. Park, R. Fanfelle, P. Ng and G. Tyson,
"A Partitioned Translation Lookaside Buffer Appraoch to Reducing Address
Bandwidth" , Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Symposium
on Computer Architecture, Queensland, Australia (May 19-21, 1992)
- M. Farrens, A. Park and A. Woodruff,
"CCHIME: A Cache Coherent Hybrid Interconnected Memory Extension" ,
Proceedings of the 6th International Parallel Processing Symposium, Hollywood,
California (March, 1992)
- M. Farrens, B. Wetmore and A. Woodruff,
"Alleviation of Tree Saturation in Multistage Interconnection Networks"
, Proceedings of Supercomputing '91, Albuquerque, New Mexico (November,
- J. Becker, A. Park and M. Farrens,
"An Analysis of the Information Content of Address Reference Streams"
, Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture,
Albuquerque, New Mexico (November, 1991)
- M. Farrens and A. Park,
"Workload and Implementation Considerations for Dynamic Base Register Caching"
, Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture,
Albuquerque, New Mexico (November, 1991)
- M. Farrens and A. Pleszkun,
"Strategies for Achieving Improved Processor Throughput" , Proceedings
of the 18th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture,
Toronto, Canada (May 27-30, 1991).
- M. Farrens and A. Park,
"Dynamic Base Register Caching: A Technique for Reducing Address Bus Width"
, Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Symposium on Computer
Architecture, Toronto, Canada (May 27-30, 1991).
- M. Farrens and A. Pleszkun,
"Implementation of the PIPE Processor" , Computer, January 1991
- M. Farrens and A. Pleszkun,
"Overview of the PIPE Processor Implementation" , Proceedings of the
24th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kapaa,
Kauai (January 9-11, 1991).
- A. Park and M. Farrens,
"Address Compression Through Base Register Caching" , Proceedings
of the 23th Annual Symposium and Workshop on Microprogramming and Microarchitectures,
Orlando, Florida (November 1990)
- M. Farrens and A. Pleszkun,
"An Evaluation of Functional Unit Lengths for Single Chip Processors"
, Proceedings of the 23th Annual Symposium and Workshop on Microprogramming
and Microarchitectures, Orlando, Florida (November 1990)
- M. Farrens and A. Pleszkun,
"Improving the Performance of Small On-Chip Instruction Caches" ,
Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture,
Jerusalem, Israel (June 1989).
- A. Pleszkun and M. Farrens,
"An Instruction Cache Design for Use with a Delayed Branch" Advanced
Research in VLSI: Proceedings of the Fourth MIT Conference , April 1986
List of Unrefereed Publications (Tech Reports)
- Matthew Farrens,
"The Architecture Curriculum at UC-Davis" , IEEE Technical Committee
on Computer Architecture, February 1999, pp. 28-30.
- Matthew Farrens,
"The Architecture Curriculum at UC-Davis" , presented at the
Workshop on Computer Architecture Education, held in conjunction with
the 25th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture,
Barcelona, Spain, June 1998.
- Matthew Farrens, Timothy Heil, James E. Smith and Gary Tyson,
"Restricted Dual Path Execution" , Computer Science Department Technical
Report CSE-97-18, University of California at Davis, Davis, California
(November 1997).
- Gary Tyson, Matthew Farrens, Kevin Rich, and Andrew Pleszkun,
"Reducing the Branch Penalty of Mispredicted Short Forward Branches"
, Computer Science Department Technical Report CSE-95-7, University
of California at Davis, Davis, California (August 1995).
- Gary Tyson, Matthew Farrens, John Matthews, and Andrew Pleszkun,
"A New Approach to Cache Management" , Computer Science Department
Technical Report CSE-95-6, University of California at Davis, Davis, California
(August 1995).
- M. Farrens, G. Tyson and A. Pleszkun,
"A Study of Single-Chip Processor/Cache Organizations for Large Numbers of
Transistors" , Computer Science Department Technical Report CSE-92-24,
University of California at Davis, Davis, California (December 1992).
- G. Tyson, M. Farrens and A. Pleszkun,
"MISC: A Multiple Instruction Stream Computer" , Computer Science
Department Technical Report CSE-92-23, University of California at Davis,
Davis, California (December 1992).
- M. Farrens, A. Park, R. Fanfelle, P. Ng and G. Tyson,
"A Partitioned Translation Lookaside Buffer Approach to Reducing Address
Bandwidth" , Computer Science Department Technical Report CSE-91-37,
University of California at Davis, Davis, California (November 1991).