ECS154A Homework #3

LAB Assignment:

WRITTEN Assignment:

  1. In class we presented a 1-bus version of a CPU, and then a 3-bus version. Why did we bother? What is the advantage of using 3 busses?
  2. In class we presented a basic CPU, and discussed the many changes to the hardware that must be made in order to support interrupts ... list 4 of them.
  3. Assume that in the Daisy-chained arrangement we discussed in class the processor keeps asserting BusGrant (BG) as long as BusRequest (BR) is asserted. When device i is requesting the bus, it becomes the bus master only when it receives a low-to-high transition on its BusGrant (BGi) input.

  4. How would the timing in an asynchronous bus be affected if the distance between the processor and the I/O device is increased? How can this increased distance be accomodated in the case of a synchronous bus?

  5. Here is a string of hex address references given as byte addresses:


  6. A set associative cache consists of 40 lines divided into 5-line sets. (In other words, it is 5-way set associative). Each line is 4 bytes long. Main memory contains 16K blocks of 64 words each, and a word consists of 4 bytes. Show the format of main memory addresses.

  7. Consider a memory system that uses a 32-bit address and is byte addressable, and a cache that uses 64 byte lines.

    Assume a direct-mapped cache with a tag field in the address of 17 bits. Show the address format and determine the following parameters: number of lines in the cache and the size of the cache.

    Assume a fully-associative cache. Now how big is the tag?

    Assume a 3-way set associative cache with a tag field in the address of 8 bits. Show the address format and determine the following parameters: number of lines in the cache, size of the cache, number of lines per set, number of sets in the cache, and the size of the tag.

  8. Consider a machine with a byte addressable main memory of 2^16 (65536) bytes, which has a direct-mapped cache with 32 lines. Lines are 16 bytes long.

    a. How is the 16-bit memory address partitioned by the cache? (In other words, how big is the tag field, the entry into the line, etc.)?

    b. Into what line would bytes with each of the following addresses be stored?

    c. Suppose the byte with address 0x2B2B is stored in the cache. What are the addresses of the other bytes stored along with it?

    d. How many total bytes of memory can be stored in the cache?

    e. Why is the tag also stored in the cache?

  9. Consider a memory system with the following parameters:
    Tc (cache access time)	= 2ns	Cc (cache cost)		= .001 cents/bit
    Tm (memory access time)	= 300ns	Cm (memory cost)	= .00005 cents/bit
    a. What is the cost of 1 Megabyte of main memory?
    b. What is the cost of 1 Megabyte of cache memory?
    c. What is the cost of a memory system with a 512 Megabyte memory and a 64Kbyte cache?
    d. If the effective access time is 13% greater than the cache access time, what is the hit ratio H?

  10. A virtual memory system for a byte-addressable processor with 8-byte words has a page size of 512 words, sixteen virtual pages, and four physical page frames. The page table is as follows:
    Virtual page Number	Page Frame Number
            0                        1
            1                        3
            2                        -
            3                        0
            4                        -
            5                        -
            6                        -
            7                        -
    	8			 -
    	9			 -
    	10			 -
    	11			 2
    	12			 -
    	13			 -
    	14			 -
    	15			 -
  11. Give reasons why the page size in a virtual memory system should be neither too large or too small.

  12. A computer has a cache, main memory, and a disk. If a reference to the cache is a hit, it takes 6 ns to retrieve the data. If a reference misses in the cache, it takes 89 ns to fetch the item from memory and put it in the cache, at which point the request is reissued to the cache. If the required item is not in main memory, it takes 13 ms to fetch the word from the disk, followed by 81 ns to copy the word to the cache, and then the reference is reissued to the cache. The cache hit ratio is .94 and the main memory hit ratio is .84. What is the average time in nanoseconds to access a data item on this system?

  13. Consider a paged logical address space (composed of 32 pages of 2K bytes each) mapped into a .5 MByte physical memory space.

  14. The following tables contain information about a segmented, paged virtual memory system and certain select memory locations. Total physical memory size is 2K bytes. All numbers in this table are in Hex unless otherwise noted. The processor is byte-addressable, and uses little-endian storage.
  15. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    Segment Table
    Entry Number    Presence bit    Page Table
         0                0             0
         1                1             1
                            Page Table 0
    Entry Number    Presence bit    Disk Address    Physical Page Number
         0                0          0x443BH096             0x0
         1                1          0x08D22108             0x3
         2                1          0xF0871A09             0x1
         3                0          0x7BA54C21             0x2
                            Page Table 1
    Entry Number    Presence bit    Disk Address    Physical Page Number
         0                1          0x88B04136             0x2
         1                0          0xEF444219             0x0
         2                1          0x00222957             0x3
         3                1          0x28756554             0x1
    Address Contents
    0x02A4  0x7230
    0x03A4  0x86a9
    0x04A4  0x9723
    0x05A4  0x3423
    0x06A4  0x8876
    0x0FA4  0x2373
    0x11A4  0x1346
    0x17A4  0x6792
    0x1EA4  0x5292
    0x37A4  0x7974
    0x3BA4  0x3205
    0x67A4  0x6623