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32nd Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture
emphasizing Instruction-Level Parallelism (ILP) processing

Haifa, Israel,
November 16-18, 1999

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Sponsored by IEEE TC-MICRO ieeecslogo.gif (2037 bytes) and ACM SIGMICRO acmlogo.gif (2461 bytes)

The following Pre-Conference Information is currently available:

bullet_ball_blu.gif (926 bytes) Call For Papers (as: PS, PDF, Text)
bullet_ball_blu.gif (926 bytes) Committeesnew.gif (147 bytes)

The symposium will take place in Haifa at the Dan Carmel.

bullet_ball_blu.gif (926 bytes) About Haifa
bullet_ball_blu.gif (926 bytes) The Dan Carmel Hotel and other Hotels

For more information, contact:
    General Co-Chairs: Ronny Ronen (ronen@iil.intel.com) or Matthew Farrens (farrens@cs.ucdavis.edu)
    Program Chair: Ilan Spillinger (ilans@iil.intel.com)

Micro home page:
    Micro Conference Home Page

Previous Micro:
    Micro-31 Home Page and Conference Information
    Micro-30 Home Page and Conference Information
    Micro-29 Home Page and Conference Information
    Micro-28 Home Page and Conference Information
    Micro-27 Home Page and Conference Information

This and other Conference information is available via the World Wide Web at http://arch.cs.ucdavis.edu/Micro32

With the generous support of:

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Last updated: January 14, 1999