The MICRO-28 tutorials will feature three 2 1/2 hour presentations on the microarchitectures and the sets of rationale behind the major design decisions of three important new microprocessors. All of them have been announced since the last Micro symposium.

The three have been selected due to the breadth of their target ISAs, in addition to their importance in the relevant segments of the marketplace. The three are Intel's P6 (the latest of the x86 implementations), HaL's SPARC64 (the latest of the SPARC 64 bit implementations), and Hewlett-Packard's PA8000 (one of the latest of the new RISC implementations).

The presentations will be given by distinguished technical experts from each of the three companies. Each speaker was centrally involved with the design of his company's respective chip.

The tutorials will be provided free of charge to the registrants of MICRO-28.