Administrative Information, ECS154B Winter 2016

Lecture: Tuesday and Thursday 12:10-1:30 PM, 106 Olson Hall
Discussion: Friday 10:00 AM,   230 Wellman

Instructor: Matthew Farrens
Office: 3047 Kemper Hall
Office Hours: 2:00-3:00 PM Thursday, or by appointment

TA:   ??????????
Office: 55 Kemper
Office Hours: ?????sday ??:??-??:?? or by appointment
e-mail: ??????

Readers: None
Homework Box (for written homeworks): Room 2131 Kemper Hall

Required text 1: Patterson and Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design (4th edition), Morgan Kaufmann Publishing Company

Prerequisites: The prerequisites for this course are ECS154A or EEC170, and ECS110.

Labs: Approximately one every other week
Late Policy: Cumulative Total of 7 days/quarter

Grading (approximate!):
Midterm 26%
Homework/Quizes 22%
Labs 22%
Final 30%