Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How many people per group?


Can the written part be done as a group as well?

Yes, but understand - the test will cover primarily the stuff on the written homework. If you do not do the homework yourself, you will get killed on the test. I strongly suggest you each do the written part yourself, compare your answers to those of your partner and then submit the one that is right.

Can I work with somebody from the other section?

OK with us. You might want to make this clear when you turn in the assingment, though, just to be safe.

What is a Logic Diagram?

That is the thing with the ANDs and ORs and etc.

Do I have to show my work?

If at all possible, yes. Certainly it is impossible for us to give any partial credit if there is only an answer. And if the answer is at all wrong, you will get no credit at all. Zippo, zero, none. If I were you, I would show the work.

Is the test Open Book and Open Notes?

No.  You will be allowed to bring along a single sheet of notes, both sides if you wish, that you have hand-written.  The creation of this sheet is a very important part of preparing for the test - if you do it right, you won't actually need the sheet when you take the test.  However, if you don't prepare the sheet, you will definitely need it.  (This makes sense if you think about it long enough.)