Design a 4-bit ALU using Logisim. Each bit cell should be able to do
ADD, SUB, AND, NOT and OR. In addition, the adder should use Carry-Lookahead
to improve performance. Your 4-bit ALU should employ group carry lookahead,
with group size of 4 and ripple carry between groups. (In other words,
correctly generate the carry out of the first group).
You are to assume that all arithmetic operations are on 2's complement numbers.
The NOT function should occur on the A inputs.
The selector/control bits: AND=10, OR=01, NOT=00, ADD/SUB=11
Use the following naming convention:
(Left to right, most significant to least significant bit)
msb lsb
Input Pins: B3 B2 B1 B0 -- B operand
A3 A2 A1 A0 -- A operand
S1 S0 -- The selector lines (desired operation)
CIN -- The Carry into the bottom cell
Output Pins: C3 C2 C1 C0 -- Result
Filename: alu