


Early registration must be postmarked by November 8,  1995.  Full  payment  in
U.S.  dollars  must  accompany  registration:  check drawn from a U.S. bank or
charge to a MasterCard or Visa card.  Credit card registrations may be faxed
to (313) 763-4617, attn: Paula Denton.  Conference registration includes  one
copy of the proceedings, lunch, reception, dinner, and coffee breaks.  The
student registration  fee  does include all meals.  Student registration must
include a copy of a valid, full-time student ID.

Conference Site and Accomodation

All technical sessions and lunch on Friday will be held at the Rackham
Auditorium, located in the heart of the University of Michigan Campus.
Pre-registration on Tuesday night will occur at the Campus Inn.

We recommend attendees stay at either the Campus Inn  or  the Bell Tower Hotel.
Both  are  owned  by  the  same  company  and are within two blocks of Rackham
Auditorium.  Please contact the hotel directly for reservations and indicate
MICRO-28 conference.  Conference rates at the Campus Inn are $70 per night for 
single rooms and $87 for double rooms.  At the Bell Tower, rooms are $89 per
night for single rooms and $101 for double rooms.  Both hotels include 
continental breakfasts each morning in the price of the room.  Reservations 
must be received by November 3, 1995, to guarantee conference rate.  Late  
reservations  will  be accepted on a space-available basis.

Both hotels are on the main campus of the University of Michigan and are
within walking distance of many museums, theaters, bookstores, music stores,
restaurants, and bars.

    Campus Inn
    E. Huron & State St.
    Ann Arbor, MI 48104
    Call (800) 666-8693 for reservations
    $70.00 Single, $89.00 Double (prices include continental breakfast)

    Bell Tower Hotel
    300 S. Thayer
    Ann Arbor, MI 48104
    Call (800) 999-8693 for reservations
    $89.00 Single, $101.00 Double (prices include continental breakfast)

Ground Transportation

Ann Arbor is approximately 30 miles from Detroit Metro Airport.  Taxi fare one
way is approximately $35.00.  "Commuter Transportation" is also available,
which costs $15 one way ($27 round trip).  It leaves every hour on the hour,
and runs from 7AM to midnight.  No reservations are necessary.  They can be
reached at 1-800-488-7433 if you need further information.


To say the weather is variable in late November is something of an
understatement.  Some days are beautiful and warm, others freezing and damp -
it could be anywhere from 10 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.  It is more likely that
it will be quite cool, however, so it is best to bring a warm coat.

Ann Arbor and Surrounding Area

With more than a hundred parks, an Arboretum and Botanical Gardens, it is easy
to understand why Ann Arbor has been penned "Tree City, USA."  There are over
200 restaurants in the City as well as every type of musical and sporting event
that can be imagined - and it's all within walking distance of the University
of Michigan campus.


                          MICRO-28 Registration Form

                        November 29 - December 1, 1995
                             Ann Arbor, Michigan







Mail Address__________________________________________________________

X ACM X IEEE Member Number____________________________________________

Please list any special needs or accommodations: _____________________





            Before Nov. 8     After Nov. 8
Member            $285            $345
Non-member        $360            $430
Student*          $150            $200

* Student registration must be accompaneied by a copy of  a  valid,  full-time
student ID; also see the student travel grant program.

X Check drawn on U.S. bank payable to: MICRO-28
X Mastercard     X Visa

Card No.______________________________________________________________

Expiration Date______________________________________________________

Name on Card__________________________________________________________


Send or Fax registration form with payment to:

    c/o Paula Denton
    2114A EECS Dept.
    University of Michigan
    1301 Beal Ave.
    Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122
    Fax: (313) 763-4617


This form and other conference information can be accessed via:

World Wide Web at               http://american.cs.ucdavis.edu/Micro28
or by anonymous ftp from        american.cs.ucdavis.edu:/Micro28
or by sending e-mail to         micro28@cs.ucdavis.edu