A Comparison of Two Pipeline Organizations

Michael Golden, Trevor Mudge


We examine two pipeline structure which are employed in commerical microporcessors. The first is the load-use interlock (LUI) pipeline, which employs an interlock to ensure correct operation during load-use hazards. The second is the address-generation interlock (AGI) pipeline. It eliminates the load-use hazard, but has an address-generation hazard which requires an address- generation interlock for correct operation. We compare the performance of these two pipelines on existing binaries and on applications which have been recompiled with a local code scheduler that understands the difference in the pipeline structures. When branch prediction is more that 80% accurate and the data cache access time is greater than two cycles, the AGI pipeline performs significantly better than the LUI pipeline on existing binaries. Recompiling the benchmarks with a new local code scheduler provides little additional performance improvement.

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